Simple, Sensible, Sustainable Solutions™
Lillemo & Associates provides a different kind of quality and food safety consulting for the food industry.
Over the years, founder Jan Lillemo observed that many small and medium food companies needed assistance in preparing for the increasingly stringent demands of regulatory agencies and customers. Lillemo & Associates was formed to guide these companies in developing robust solutions in food safety and quality.
What is the difference between this and other consulting companies? Instead of providing you with pre-written or off-the-shelf products, Lillemo & Associates helps your staff develop, implement and maintain robust quality and food safety programs that are tailored for your company. The goal is to provide your company with Simple, Sensible, Sustainable Solutions™.
Our experience has shown that involving the people who actually perform the work in the development of quality and food safety plans results in sustainable improvements in quality and food safety, greatly improved audit scores, and increased customer satisfaction. With upper management support, we use this approach to make food safety and quality everyone's responsibility. We also know that in small companies, this approach may not be practical, In those cases, we lead development of programs and assist in implementation to move the company along faster.
We use technical knowledge gained from extensive hands-on experience. We use situation-appropriate tools such as prerequisite programs, HACCP, Lean and Six Sigma, statistical process control, root cause analysis, and operational excellence. We make complex concepts accessible and understandable, allowing us to lead your staff in developing programs and implementing practices that are appropriate and sustainable for your company's unique circumstances.
If necessary, we can also do hands-on work for you that your staff doesn't have time or expertise to do, such as nutrition calculations, writing drafts of procedures or programs, working with regulatory agencies on your behalf, managing recalls, etc.
Training is an important part of food safety and quality plans. We are now offering on-site FSCPA training for Preventive Controls for Human Foods! This is the only training content that meets the FDA's requirements for training Preventive Controls Qualified Individuals for compliance with the new FSMA regulations.
Contact Lillemo & Associates to learn how our unique approach to food safety and quality consulting can help your company!